Friday, April 6, 2012

Finding the Scrolls

It all started when he went to Egypt for a high school class trip. He
has heard stories about The Scrolls but didn’t think they were real. Brian was landing into Egypt when an old man came up to him, gave him a map, and said, “Whatever you find will take you far...” Brian was puzzled by this, but kept on going.

Brian stared at the map for hours trying to comprehend what it meant. He knew that blue lines were rivers/streams and triangles were pyramids. In the corner of the map he saw small symbols. He knew that long long ago they used hieroglyphic’s and thought to himself if he could figure out what it meant it may be a lead to another “clue”.
Brian opened up his laptop and searched on Google for hieroglyphic codes. He took the map, scanned it onto his laptop and compared the writing’s with the codes on Google. He compared all the letters and found out it was a signature that said, King Tutankhamen. Brian remembered reading about him in a NatGeo magazine.
Brian was a high-tech, smart kid who had all the latest technology, so he was able to get a new portable scanner before he left for Egypt.
He did some research on King Tut and found out he made maps of the secrets to the pyramids and the lost scrolls, but nobody knew where any of them were. He had a long thought on if he should turn in the map or go on an adventure to find the secrets of the pyramids and the lost scrolls. He decided that early in the morning he would wake up and sneak out to find some answers about the map.

Early that morning he grabbed all of his important things like his laptop, drinks and snacks. When he left his room he heard movement behind him in the hallway, when he turned around he see nothing. He kept on walking down the hallway and swore that he heard something behind him again and quickly turned around and made karate noises trying to scare the thing that was following him. He looked at the persons face and realized it was his friend Cooper. He asked him why he was following him and Cooper said because he couldn’t sleep on the hay beds and saw Brian leave with a backpack. Brian told Cooper to go back because it might be dangerous but Cooper kept on following him. Brian finally gave in and let Cooper follow him, but only under one condition. Brian told Cooper that he found an important map and that nobody could know about.
Brian whistled to a taxi cab and told the driver to bring them to the border of Cairo. On the way there they saw many mud and brick hut’s, and people riding camels on the road. The road was also crowded with pedestrians and little kids running around. When they got out of the car there were many people crowding around them, speaking some language Brian didn’t even know existed.
They snaked through the crowd making there way to the buildings and shacks on the side of the roads. Brian pulled out money he got from the exchange once they landed, and bought fresh fruit then put it in his backpack. His friend Cooper grabbed a couple of fresh pomegranates and snuck them into Brian’s bag without anyone noticing. Then they started the walk to Giza...

It took them and hour to get to the “populated area” of Giza. When they got there it was about noon, so everyone was out and about. Brian saw a sign that read, “خرائط” which translated to, “Maps” in English. He walked over to the shop and walked in. There was a man with a robe and a cloth around is head. He walked up to him and asked him if he knew anything about the map King Tut made.
The man made a very ecstatic expression, so Brian pulled out the map. The man grabbed it, running his finger along the hieroglyphics reading it out loud. Brian nor Cooper knew what the man was saying so Brian pulled out his laptop and put it to Google Translate. As the man was babbling Brian was reading what it was in English. It said, “Ah the Lost Map! Finally it’s mine!”
After Brian read that he grabbed the map and told Cooper to run! They ran in the direction of the Pyramid of Giza hoping they would be able to get in. By sunset they made it to the pyramid to find it was closed for a week due to loose debris. Brian and Cooper didn’t care about the sign and climbed the fence and walked into the pyramid...

When they got in the pyramid it was pitch black. Brian pulled out his iPhone and turned on the L.E.D. light. When he turned it on he saw tunnels, doors and a stair case. He told Cooper that they would go down the stairs first. They started to walk down the stairs when they heard a big bang above them. When they looked up they noticed a door closed over the stairs. They tried to open it back up but it wouldn’t budge. Brian told Cooper they would have to find a different exit.
They walked into another hall, and when they did torches lit up all around them. They looked around and saw shadows of mummies all around them. They both screamed and tried to run but couldn’t move. A dark see-through mummy came up to Brian and reached through him into his backpack and grabbed the map then disappeared...

Two weeks later at Brian’s house he got a letter in the mail from Giza, Egypt. It read
“Sorry about stealing the map, but it was for your own good. Once I find the Secret Scroll, I will sell it and send you half the money I get for it.
Alexander Badawy

Another two weeks past and Brian got another letter, but this time it was a check for 2 million dollars from Alexander Badawy. He gave 1 million to Cooper, gave some to foundations, then put the rest in the bank for future trips to Egypt.

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